Chapter 4: Who’s got the Reins to this Thing?

And there it was that was how Claire decided where would be spending Christmas that year.

She put down her phone picked up the scared kitten, fed him a bit of leftover chicken from last night, and began washing the dishes. Well whether she liked it or not it looked like she was leaving for Tunisia tonight.

After Claire had had some moment to think the panic began to erupt from the volcano where the rage had just flowed from. How was she going to leave tonight? But she couldn’t stay here either. She knew her mother had contacts with various ladies in her building who regularly informed her of Claire’s whereabouts.

Claire packed her bags in a rush and secured the kitten into a small box. She had no friends in the city so there was no one she could spend the weekend with. Besides, as time passed Tunisia seemed to be a good decision. Claire was already getting sick of the Christmas cheer that seemed to have infested every corner. Yes, it would be better if she left now!

The only problem was Heather was not going to like what she had to say to her Claire thought as she rang the bell to Heather’s house. Heather opened the door looking as impeccable as ever even in her pajamas. Well, they are silk pajamas Claire thought ruefully.

“What are doing here, Claire?” Heather seemed annoyed as she glanced at her smartwatch.

“Heather, I am sorry! but there has been an emergency.”

“I came to tell you that I won’t be able to come to work on Monday. In fact, I won’t be coming in this week at all. I’ll be back a day or two after Christmas. And here please please she said placing the small meowing box into Heather’s hands who looked utterly confused. Please take care of him until I come back it’s only ten days. I just found him in a vent and didn’t know what do to with him. Please, Heather.”

Claire started turning away since Heather was still too stunned to speak. Claire wanted to use this opportunity and leave before she could gather her thoughts.

“What do you mean you are not coming in on work Monday?”

“Claire you know I need you there! You can’t just leave you know how much work there is these days…Claire!!!!” Heather called out after her.

“I’m sorry Heather I will make it up to you. I promise.”

“No you won’t Claire!!!” she screamed “And take this kitten with you what am I supposed to do with him?” she asked panicked still running after Claire.

“Claire stop!” Heather ran after her on the street. “Claire I am telling you if you step into that cab you are fired!”

It was Claire’s turn to be shocked. She didn’t think Heather would go this far.

“Fine!” she said speaking from the same volcano of rage that had started this whole thing.

“I will be back for the kitten in ten days,” she said giving Heather a death glare.

And with these words, she got into the cab even more shaken than she had been after the call to her mother. It seemed like someone else had suddenly started making decisions for her.

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