How to Not be Happy

Welcome, to the ultimate guide on how to not be happy! In a world overflowing with positivity and self-help gurus peddling happiness like candy at a parade, it’s high time we celebrate the underrated art of wallowing in despair. So, grab your blanket of misery, and let’s plunge into the abyss together!


  • Comparison Olympics: Ah, the sweet scent of inadequacy! Nothing quite dampens the spirit like constantly comparing yourself to others. Remember, there will always be someone prettier, richer, or more successful than you. Embrace the joy of perpetual dissatisfaction as you scroll through Instagram, marveling at other people’s curated lives while yours resembles a dumpster fire in comparison. You’ll never measure up, and that’s the beauty of it!


  • Master the Art of Overthinking: Why enjoy the present moment when you can ruminate endlessly about past mistakes and hypothetical future catastrophes? Dive headfirst into the murky waters of overthinking, where every minor inconvenience becomes a monumental crisis worthy of an Oscar-winning melodrama. Bonus points for losing sleep over that awkward thing you said three years ago.


  • Procrastination Olympics: Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? And the next day? And the day after that? Procrastination isn’t just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle choice. Revel in the thrill of impending deadlines as you binge-watch Netflix, scroll through memes, and rearrange your sock drawer for the tenth time this week. Productivity? Never heard of her.


  • Embrace the Drama: Forget inner peace—what you really need is a healthy dose of drama in your life. Stir up conflict with friends, family, and coworkers like a seasoned reality TV star. Remember, every disagreement is an opportunity to unleash your inner diva and burn bridges like a pro. Bonus points for dramatic exits and passive-aggressive Facebook statuses.


  • Perfectionism Paralysis: Why settle for mediocrity when you can drive yourself to the brink of madness chasing unattainable perfection? Embrace the soul-crushing pursuit of flawlessness in every aspect of your life, from your career to your relationships to your meticulously color-coded sock drawer. Spoiler alert: perfection is a myth, but crippling anxiety is forever.


  • Suffer in Silence: Bottling up your emotions is all the rage these days. Why burden your friends and loved ones with your pesky feelings when you can suffocate them beneath a suffocating blanket of stoic silence? Remember, vulnerability is for suckers. Real men and women suffer in silence and then wonder why nobody understands them.


Congratulations! By following these simple steps, you too can join the ranks of the perpetually discontented. Remember, happiness is overrated—misery loves company, and we’ve saved you a seat at the pity party. Cheers to a lifetime of dissatisfaction!

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