The God of Love : Eros

Hesiod presents two versions of the God of love, Eros. In the first depiction, Eros is shown as a powerful force of creation. In this avatar Eros acts as a principle of union between two lovers; he makes bonds of love between people, and strengthens relationships, thus in this sense, Eros is a force of creation and union. The second version of Eros presented by Hesiod shows his demotion from a central character to a minor one. In the second version, Eros is not so powerful nor is he presented as a source of creation rather he is portrayed as a son and/or attendant of Aphrodite. In this aspect, the focus is on youth, beauty, and sexualized principles of love which are far lesser than his previous status as a god of love and thus creation.

The news article in The Toronto Star called ‘18 over-the-top ways to treat yourself and buy Toronto local for Valentine’s Day’ published by Jen Kirsch on 6th February 2022 lists 18 ways in which one can splurge on oneself on Valentine’s Day to feel good. The article focuses on the ideas of self-love and argues that even if one does not have a special person in their life with whom they can spend their Valentine’s Day they can still make the best of it. The article shares 18 ways to spend a splendid Valentine’s Day alone or with friends and family (Kirsch). The article also mentions that even if a person is in a relationship they should still take time out for their own selves to enjoy and celebrate this special day of love.

The ideas proposed in the news article are different from the ideas espoused by the Greek god of love Eros or even Aphrodite but in some ways, they are also the same. In Hesiod’s understanding of Greek love and Gods and Goddesses of love; love is a force that takes place between people and leads to bigger events in the world. However, in the article, the form of love that is proposed as being the most superior is the love one has with their own self (Kirsch). The article asks that a person deepen their relationship and bond with their own selves. Moreover, they should create events to celebrate their love for themselves. The list Kirsch shares in the article to celebrate Valentine’s Day is linked to this idea of self-love. Thus, there are connections between Hesiod’s versions of love as it too is supposed to be grand and carries an exalted space just like the love Kirsch describes in the article. Thus, both Hesiod and Kirsch agree that love should be celebrated as it is a unique experience of life.




Works Cited

Kirsch, Jen. “18 over-the-top ways to treat yourself and buy Toronto local for Valentine’s Day.” 6 February 2022. 7 February 2022 <>.

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